Marae Visit
First we got off the bus.We lined up and waited for the karanga.We had a lady walking infront of us,she was singing to the kuia.Everyone started started walking slowly up to the boys at the front and the girls at the back.Then one of the maori people stood up and started doing a greeting to us.Aaron Pene stood up and did a koha which is to say if you come in peace or if you come in war.Well we came in peace so Aaron said in maori that we come in peace.Then they sang there waita and thenwe sang our waita to them.We then got dividedinto 3 groups and went in different directions.A maori lady showed us around,first we went to some of the sleeping houses.The lady told us some history about the houses.We then made our way to the marae and we learnt about the waka and matariki.We then went to the river and talked about it and then went inside for kai.
I really enjoyed the marae it was a great experience.
By Erin
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