Monday 20 June 2016

Chinese Dining Day

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Chinese Dining Day
I was so nervous..
This is the first time I have been to this Resturant,I really want to try everything but also was scared.
First we enter the restaurant and stand by a seat.Then Miss Turner says ‘qing zuo’.I sat down not knowing what to except that there was chicken feet.We sit down and George Oliver offered us some tea.After we got tea the first meal came out which was wontons followed by noodles.Next came the steaming buns with condensed milk and deep fried squid.Then came the coconut bread and the mango dessert.My personal favourite was the deep fried squid which was a little chewy.After we had eaten our chinese for the year and finished.Then we hopped on the bus.
From Erin

Monday 13 June 2016


Dear God,
Please make sure people play fair.Please make sure they stick by the rules.Can you please make sure that they get there safely.Please make sure they come back safely and have FUN!


Tuesday 7 June 2016

100 Word Challenge W6 T2

Dear Mum and Dad

I am writing to tell you that I have been shot and am in a very severe condition and could die.You should come and see me before I die.This is how it started...I was in a trench and was loading my gun I look away for two seconds and I look up a man is yelling at me.’Say your last words’ in a angry voice and SUDDENLY I know at that point that my live was over.I thought I would be left to die but a charming man come to save me.